Friday, November 27, 2015

Fallout 4 Permadeath Roleplay - First Try (Part 2)

Part 2: Is anyone left?

When I exit the vault goose bumps showered over my body. Everything looked so dead and quiet. Trees were dead, skeletons were lying around and..silence, except for wind mildly blowing in to my face. The first instinct was to rush to my house ans so I did. My robot Codsworth was still kicking! How could he survive the shockwave? I talked to him but realized that his OS was damaged and his talking didn't make any sense either. It seemed that he didn't realize the seriousness of the situation. However, he did say the same thing my pip-boy told me: over 200 years passed since the bombs had fallen. TWO HUNDRED YEARS. And then a shocking realization: what if Shaun was no longer a baby, what if he was an old man or even dead. But that coudln't be.. No no no. I did remember that they kidnapped him recently. It couldn't have happened long ago. Right? RIGHT? Whatever the truth may be, I had only one meaningful purpose: to find out if the civilization had rebuilt itself and to find Shaun.While we were looking for Shaun, we encountered giant flies. Giant flies! As if giant roaches weren't enough.. It looks like radiation damaged their genes. If that is so, then even scarier and more dangerous mammals could be expected. I returned to the vault to pick up guns that I had found there earlier. And the stimpacks. They are very important, especially if I would encounter a giant bear. The robot mentioned that Concord still had inhabitants, although he warned me that they were "rough folks", whatever that may be. I was still confident that if there are humans, then there is civiliaztion. 200  years would be enough to reclaim our country.
When I crossed the bridge I found a dead body. Still fresh. His death was very recent. I looked if he had anything on him and found two stimpacks. As I continued my journey I still couldn't find a single living human, but I did find a dog! He seemed to be very eager to join me and so I let him. I also found out that my pip boy could tune in into radio stations. And it worked! Civilization must be somewhere!

So I am just slowly moving towards Concord. I didn't take that raider's clothes yet, because my character is still exploring the post-nuclear world. He is not into scavenging either(yet). Again, he just hopes to reach a place with people and discover what's going on.

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